Thirteen years on -- (well, I heard 1996's Everything Must Go when it was first released but didn't *get* it; same with 1992's "You Love Us" on a comp.; I didn't jump on the Manics bandwagon until -- blush -- 1998 when "You Stole The Sun From My Heart" was climbing up the UK charts) -- and I'm still listening to the Manic Street Preachers quite a few times every week.
I listen to stuff from every era of the band and I love The Holy Bible (1994) *AND* Lifeblood (2004) in equal measure.
The band's career-spanning hits collection National Treasures came out on Monday and it's even available as a download on Amazon.com in the States!
Gonna download "This Is The Day" today.
Already got all the other tunes, obviously.
Here are two recent clips of the band.
Manic Street Preachers - "This Is The Day" - live in one take in the studio...
A fantastic interview with James Dean Bradfield and Nicky Wire via Absolute Radio...