This film at least does have a great cast: Ti Lung, Alexander Fu Sheng, Shih Szu, Ku Feng, and so on.
Okay, so Tuan Changqing (Ti Lung) has the broken sword of the title -- and he also goes by that name. I think. Then Alexander Fu Sheng shows up at a gambling den/pawn shop and has a great fight scene using various fighting styles -- this scene was pretty creative and funny and it's easy to see why Fu Sheng was a big star.
It's pretty clear from these early scenes that somehow the paths of the regal swordsman and the gambling funnyman are going to cross so it's just a matter of how the plot will get them together.
So a famous prostitute arrives at the brothel in town and Fu Sheng sneaks into the place during a fancy party and Ti Lung catches him.
Then Shih Szu tries to get Fu Sheng to kill a guy for her, there are flashbacks, more sword fights, ominous music, and so on.
Michael Chan makes a pretty good villain. Still, the film is a bit too long and Shih Szu and Kara Hui are wasted in this as neither one participates in any action scenes.
You can get the original region 3 DVD of The Deadly Breaking Sword here.