That said, the NME has also provided a link to Liam's 50 Funniest Quotes along with some great pics of the singer -- he's still fun to read about.
And Pete Doherty is promising a reunited Libertines for next year's festivals in the UK -- provided he can get an agreement from Carl Barat.
I have purchased both of Barat's albums with Dirty Pretty Things, both of Pete's Babyshambles albums as well as his singles with Wolfman and Littl'ans and his solo album from 2009 and I can say that these guys need each other like Lennon and McCartney.
There are some great individual tracks on those above albums -- DPT's "Bang Bang You're Dead" is as good as many Libertines singles, and Babyshambles' "Deft Left Hand" is still in heavy rotation in my car -- but, clearly, they work better together.
And finally, Bernard Sumner from New Order has a new band, Bad Lieutenant, and he's posted some tracks online, according to the NME and other sites.
The single sounds like one of Monaco's best known singles -- Bernie is now copying his former New Order mate's 2nd spin-off band?
Lower your expectations accordingly before listening.