Newsarama is reporting on a tribute book for the late artist Michael Turner who died of cancer this summer.
I am sure that most comics shops will have the book this coming Wednesday but I can't find it listed on Amazon yet.
I think it's weird that I like Turner so much given that his style is more painterly than the kind of comic art I grew up on.
But his work was a real joy for me when I first picked up comics again in 2000 after not reading them for almost 18 years.
I bought the slim volume at my local comic book store yesterday (11/05/08) for $8.99. Here is a link to buy it for the same price on Amazon.com. I don't know why it says pre-order, though.
Better yet, order it directly from Aspen Comics. Proceeds go to cancer prevention charities.
[Image: DC Comics/Aspen Comics]