On an American, sideburns like those on Gaz Coombes would signify redneck boogie rock.
On an Englishman, they signify pop genius.

I always take Supergrass for granted but they always deliver little bits of genius -- perfect pop singles as good as anything Oasis have ever produced.
Yeah, they've never released something as soul stirring as "Live Forever" but, in their own way, singles like "Alright" and "Caught By The Fuzz" are every bit as good.
You can hear Bowie in this but the song remains uniquely Supergrass, continuing the vibe of the self-titled 1999 album.
Like the Super Furry Animals, the 'Grass wear their influences on their sleeves but, in the end, they always end up creating something special and unique.
On an Englishman, they signify pop genius.

I always take Supergrass for granted but they always deliver little bits of genius -- perfect pop singles as good as anything Oasis have ever produced.
Yeah, they've never released something as soul stirring as "Live Forever" but, in their own way, singles like "Alright" and "Caught By The Fuzz" are every bit as good.
You can hear Bowie in this but the song remains uniquely Supergrass, continuing the vibe of the self-titled 1999 album.
Like the Super Furry Animals, the 'Grass wear their influences on their sleeves but, in the end, they always end up creating something special and unique.